Monthly Moonscope Calendar on Notion
Have you ever wondered what phase the Moon was in or what sign when s*** was hitting the fan? You were late to all your appointments? Your partner caught the flu right before your big trip? Your baby refused to sleep anywhere but on you? Your toddler found every surface possible to jump off of and was inches close to breaking his nose? No? Just me?
Didn't think so. May I introduce you to the Monthly Moonscope. A Calendar that is a true labor of love but also necessity. I started tracking the moon manually when I began noticing the cyclical nature of my moods and the events happening around me. I realized that some times I did need to consult the stars - when planning a dinner or even my toddlers swim lessons.
This calendar includes the phases of the moon but from the astrological standpoint - which means the full moon is not just one day - we all know THAT POTENCY LINGERS! Each phase lasts 2-5 days depending on how quickly the moon is moving and I've taken that into account. The calendar also includes the sign the moon is in as well as the dates and times the moon is void of course.
There are spaces for reflections and places for your thoughts.
There are emojis for your mood; a corner for tracking the phase and date of your period; a plate for your cravings and a spot for your habits (if you like to track those). Most importantly though, there is a place to see which house the moon is transiting and may I just say that is a game CHANGER.
By taking into account your rising sign, you will be able to determine when the moon is transiting all 12 of the houses in your natal chart and what areas of your life may feel that transit most!
I can go on and on about how amazing this is but try it out, see for yourself!
***This is a notion template. This means that you will need a notion account (let me know if you need help with this!) and this means that you will need to DUPLICATE the page in order to begin using the journal components! There is a Loom Video in the top left that will walk you through these steps but please feel free to reach out ( if you have any questions, comments or concerns!
A monthly moon calendar helping you track the moon and your experiences along the way